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Corporate Social Responsibility Manager
Description :
Corporate Social Responsibility Manager
Working in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team, the Corporate Social Responsibility Manager assists in the delivery of CSR company initiatives, messaging and projects. Through supporting the implementation of our corporate and social commitments, the CSR Manager helps the wider Corporate Affairs team
The CSR Executive will work closely with our Corporate Social Responsibility Manager to continue the development of our company-wide strategies such as our sustainability initiatives and charity objectives. They will support the team in implementing, delivering CSR initiatives across all pillars, and acting as an ambassador for more responsible practices and social investment across the business. Through a strong network of internal and external stakeholders, the CSR Executive will proactively and reactively raise the profile of the organisation.
Path to a Sustainable Future, where the team plays a centralised function in supporting initiatives across the business. It will include engagement with teams across the business in areas such as sourcing and supply chain transparency, emissions reductions monitoring and support, and communicating progress to the business; gaining support across all levels of the business.
Across charity and community investment the CSR Executive will lead on charity partnerships strategy, engaging with local charities and supporting and centralising the organisation’s employee fundraising and volunteering efforts. The CSR Executive will help a new charity partnerships direction and structure, defining the issues and partners that further our objectives, as well as supporting in the raising and allocation of funding within it.
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